


,geekvape,lost vapehell vape,pico,wismec







Only people 18 years of age or older can make purchases in the store. By accepting these Terms of Use, you represent that you are at least 18 years of age.


Registration can be accessed from the top menu of the website or via the Login control panel located on the side of the website. Open the registration page and fill out the form there as appropriate, then click on the "Register" button at the bottom of the form. In this case, the website will indicate that your registration has been successful, or in case of data incompleteness, the form will remain on the screen and warn you which fields have not been filled in or have been filled in incorrectly. In case of successful registration, you will receive an e-mail notification in which the system will generate a password for logging in, which you can change later. After logging in, the "registration" panel will display the name under which you logged in.



In the fields of the Login panel, enter the e-mail address with which you registered and the password associated with it, as appropriate, and click on the "Login" button. After logging in, the contents of the panel will automatically change, the name under which you are logged in will be displayed, and options to exit and change your password will appear.

Sign out

To log out of the webshop, simply click on the Log Out button in the "Sign in" panel. This button appears in the panel only if you're signed in before.

Forgot password

If you have forgotten your password, clicking on "forgot password" in the Login panel will bring up a new page asking for the e-mail address with which you are registered in our webshop. By entering this address and clicking on the Send button, you will receive an e-mail to this e-mail address, in which by clicking on the link (or, if it is not clickable in your mailer, copied into the address bar of your browser window), our website will generate a new password for you. Make a note of this accurately (uppercase and lowercase letters matter), then log in and you can change the password as needed (see Change password).

Password change

If you want to change your password, log in to the webshop using the Login panel. After that, the "change password" link will appear, clicking on which will load a new page. The page will ask for your current password and then reset it twice to avoid typos. Fill it in as appropriate and click Change. From now on, you can log in to our webshop with your newly entered password.


Cart: By browsing our catalogue, you can compile the contents of your cart. On the detailed data sheet of the selected product, you will find the "Buy" button for each product for sale, in front of which you can fill in the desired quantity in a small box. By default, this is set to 1 pc, as you will experience. Some products require multiple options to be set (e.g. color, etc.) After pressing the "Add to cart" button, the selected product will be added to the basket and the website will load the contents of your cart. At this time, you can still buy additional products as you wish, change their quantity in the basket, or remove products from the cart simply by clicking on the "x" button in the row of the given product. If you have changed the quantity in the basket, click on the "Recalculate" button below the list of products, then the basket will automatically recalculate the prices and record the changed quantities. If you have compiled the contents of your cart and would like to purchase the products, click on the "Order" button.

Purchase process: The delivery method can be selected in the cart.  Clearly select the desired shipping method and click on the "Order" button. It is absolutely necessary to select a delivery method, otherwise the system will not allow you to continue in the purchase process. You will then be taken to the Enter Total Total and Data page. Here you can view the total amount to be paid, and in the form below it, you can specify your billing and shipping information of your choice. You can also send a text message to your order in the form of a comment section at your contact details. Once you have filled in the details, click on the "Place order" button. You will also receive a confirmation e-mail about your order, which contains all the data provided and the products ordered. After a successful order, your cart will be empty again. Once you have completed your purchase, you can log out of the system in the "Apply" panel at the top of the page.

If you have any other questions, please contact us at the e-mail address on our contact page.